#!/bin/bash # Replace only first match - ${string/pattern/replacement} filename="bash.string.txt" echo "After Replacement:" ${filename/str*./operations.} # After Replacement: bash.operations.txt # Replace all the matches - ${string//pattern/replacement} filename="Path of the bash is /bin/bash" echo "After Replacement:" ${filename//bash/sh} # After Replacement: Path of the sh is /bin/sh # Replace only beginning of string - ${string/#pattern/replacement # Replace only end of string - ${string/%pattern/replacement filename="/root/admin/monitoring/process.sh" echo "Replaced at the beginning:" ${filename/#\/root/\/tmp} # Replaced at the beginning: /tmp/admin/monitoring/process.sh echo "Replaced at the end": ${filename/%.*/.ksh} # Replaced at the end: /root/admin/monitoring/process.ksh