# Python Examples ## Comments and Printing ```python # Comments ''' this is a comment block ''' ``` ```python # Echo print( "hello world" ) ``` ## Variables and Lists ```python # Variables a = 20 b = "40" ``` ```python # Strings s = "Strings " print( s.count('s') ) # 1 print( s.find('i') ) # 3 print( s.lower() ) # strings print( s.upper() ) # STRINGS print( s.replace('s', '') ) # String print( s.strip() ) # Strings print( s[1:3] ) # tr print( s[:-3] ) # Strin print( 'this is a formatted string %.2f' % 123.234 ) # this is a formatted string 123.23 s += "concat" print( "this is {}".format(12)) # this is 12 ``` ```python # Lists l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] print( l ) print( l[3] ) for a in l: print( a ) for idx, val in enumerate(l): print(idx, val) l.append('x') print( l ) l.count(2) print( l ) l.count('2') print( l ) l.index('x') print( l ) l.insert(1, 'z') print( l ) l.remove('x') print( l ) l.pop() print( l ) l.reverse() print( l ) l.sort() print( l ) ``` ```python # map a function and built a new list l = map(l, lambda x: x + 1) ``` ```python # Tuples t = (1, 2, 3) l = list(t) l.append(4) t = tuple(l) print( t ) ``` ```python # Dictionaries d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} print( d ) d['d'] = 4 print( d ) for a in d: print( a, d[a] ) ``` ## Conditionals ```python if a < 15: print( "if" ) elif a > 15 and a < 20: print( "elif" ) else: print( "else" ) ``` ```python # For loop for a in range( 10, 30 ): print( a ) # While loop a = 1 while a < 10: print(a) a += 1 ``` ## Functions and Classes ```python # Functions def someFunction( a, b ): print(a + b) someFunction(10, 20) ``` ```python # Classes class Calculator(object): def __init__(self): self.current = 0 def add(self, amount): self.current += amount def get_current(self): return self.current @staticmethod def get_pi(): return 3.14 c = Calculator() c.add(3) c.add(2) print( c.getCurrent() ) print( Calculator.get_pi() ) # Lambda def run(func): return func(5) ten = run(lambda x: x * 2) ``` ## Exceptions and Errors ```python # Exceptions a = 1 try: a = a + '2' except: print( a, "is not a number" ) ``` ## System and File ```python # Files f = open( "test.txt", "w+" ) f.write( "hello\n" ) f.close() f = open( "test.txt", "a" ) f.write( "there" ) f.close() f = open( "test.txt", "r" ) print( f.read(1) ) print( f.readline() ) print( f.read() ) f.close() ``` ```python # System from subprocess import call r = call(["echo", "123"]) print( r ) ```